How can I protect my WiFi from being cracked by F-BOMB?
![]() Hi Benjamin!
The F-BOMB handmade device you are talking about is the Falling or Ballistically-launched Object that Makes Backdoors which can be created by any person who has some electronics skills and $50 in a pocket. There will be flash storage, some wireless transmitters and maybe few sensors like microphone, camera, etc. Of course, this thing will be battery-powered.
After the F-BOMB is assembled, it can be thrown over the fence, hidden in the wall socket, smoke detector, or any other place that has enough space for it. After making its way to your house this automated surveillance system start gathering data about you, watching and listening to everything it can. It also has Linux-based system which can connect to your wireless network and crack your WiFi.
As you can clearly see, this cheap and simple surveillance device allows its creator to get as many information as he or she can without excessive efforts and too many funds being spent. Thus you need to gain protection against F-BOMB handmade surveillance device to be absolutely sure that no one is spying on you when you are at home.
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item: S-cell phone and gps jammers nutritional - How can I protect my WiFi from being cracked by F-BOMB?
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