Do AT&T, T-Mobile and Sprint really involved in the Carrier IQ scandal?
![]() Hello Tobias!
You are absolutely right about the information going across the internet about this recent scandal. The company called Carrier IQ created really bad software and installed it at millions of smartphones all over the world. Mobile carriers like Sprint, AT&T, T-Mobile, HTC, Samsung and others are already accused in co-operation with Carrier IQ and now they are trying to explain themselves.
I would not write the whole story here because it is too big for this wiki. Still you can read the blog article where this case is described in details. There you will find not only full explanation of the problem but also the original video posted few weeks ago by security researcher who had discovered smartphones’ Carrier IQ software in the first place.
Remember, no matter what excuses those mobile carriers and companies that make such awful software have, you can always count on various signal jammers when you need protection against wireless signals of different frequencies!
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item: Device to stop cell phone signal - Do AT&T, T-Mobile and Sprint really involved in the Carrier IQ scandal?
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