I need some tips on blocking Lockitron smart lock.
![]() Hi Tim!
Locitron smart lock is a perfect solution for wireless home access. That is surely not the first smartphone controlled security system. That lock is pretty universal and is compatible with your usual locks, so you will not need to replace your lockbox. That system is pretty convenient because you won’t need real keys anymore. If you want to grant access to some other people you can share the digital key with them. And that’s all you need.
That lock is compatible with a wide variety of wireless data transmission such as: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and NFC. All those features can be managed with Android and iOS apps. You can also manage your digital keys at the Locitron’s web interface. It also has embedded knocking sensor so it will inform you when somebody is knocking on your door. Due to its Wi-Fi compatibility that device accesses internet and you can control it worldwide. But the danger is that Wi-Fi itself has some vulnerability.
If there’s no Wi-Fi connection at home, or the electricity was shut down you will be able to open that smart lock with Bluetooth or NFC module of your smartphone. Designers claim that it is rather hard to hack that lock or to steal the digital keys. It’s easier to break the door itself. But Jammer Store Inc. can say that sometimes it’s better to make sure, right?
If you want to shut that lock down so no one will be able to open it until you want it you may try to use a special kind of a jamming device. It has to be compatible with NFC, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, and unfortunately those jammers do not exist. There are two options though: you may try to use an NFC jamming device and Wi-Fi/Bluetooth blocker to prevent it from working. If you are afraid of the NFC exploit the first option would do the trick, but the device will be still connected to the internet. The choice is up to you.
Thanks for your question. I hope I’ve managed to help.
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item: Cellular signal jammer gun - I need some tips on blocking Lockitron smart lock.
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