10-CH Handheld 315 433 WiFi Bluetooth Blocker 2G 3G 4G Mobile Phone Signal Jammer
![]() Basic SpecificationsJam Signal Type:1:WH-121A-10A:Full Bands Mobile Phone 4G/3G/2G +WiFi2.4G/5.8G+ GPSL1 +LOJACK2:WH-121A-10B:Full Bands Mobile Phone 4G/3G/2G +WiFi2.4G+ GPSL1 L2 L3 L4 L5 +LOJACK3:WH-121A-10C:Full Bands Mobile Phone 4G/3G/2G +WiFi2.4G+ GPSL1 +LOJACK+ Remote Control:433/315/868MHz4:WH-121A-10D:Full Bands Mobile Phone 4G/3G/2G +WiFi2.4G+ GPSL1L2L5 +LOJACK+ Walkie-Talkie UHF/VHF+CDMA450Output Power:Total 7W,0.7W each bandJam Radius:2-20metersPower Supply:AC110-240V to DC12VCooling System:High efficiency aluminum alloy radiator, Build-in cooling fanWorking Time:Built-in battery:7.4V/8000mAh Continue working: more than 2.0+ hoursProduct Size:160x 83x 46 mm(not Include Antenna)Length of antenna :166mm Gain:2.0dbiProduct Weight: appr.1.5kgPackage Contents:Jammer Host x 1, AC Charger x1,antenna x10,Car Charger x1,Nylon Cover x1Product description:The latest all-in-one design portable wireless signal Jammer, 10 bands jamming all types of Android phones, Tablets, Smart Phones, iPhones, Win phones etc. that use 2G, 3G, 4G, and CDMA 450Mhz, Block LOJACK GPS, Wi-Fi, Walkie-Talkie UHF/VHF and RF signals like 315, 433, 868 is popular in 2017 and in years to come Advantages:World first handheld design 10 all-in-one frequencies blocking all cell phone signals, LOJACK GPS, Wi-Fi, RF signals7watt high output power and high gain antennas, Jamming range 2 to 20 meters (at-75dBm, depends on signal strength in given area)with Nylon Cover Hang or wear on the arm or belt, easy to carry on, handheldGood cooling system with cooling fans inside and bigger hot sinkWith DIP switch, can turn on/off any signal band without affect other bandsWith car charger, can used in car directly, 12V DC/AC power supply is also availableWith built-in bigger battery, can work more than (2.0+ hours) 120 minutes: use the world’s most safety high-capacity battery, can be repeated charging OEM customized service:Customized for special frequency band , Wi-Fi5G 3.6GHz, Wireless Camera 1.2GHz etcSilkscreen OEM service can be offeredApplication:o It can be applied at meeting rooms, conference rooms, museums, galleries, theatres, concert halls, churches, temples, restaurants, classrooms, training centers, factories, banks, trains, bus and more Places that require silence, confidentiality and information securityo For some locations of special purpose such as hospitals, gas stations and more, please do field test first to make sure no interference happened to the normal operation of their equipment and instrumentKey technical specifications: WH-121A-10CChannelOutput portFrequency rangeAverage out-putting power1LOJACK167-175MHz28.5dBm/0.7W2CDMA&868 or GSM851-894 or 925-960MHz28.5dBm/0.7W3DCS or PCS1805-1880 or 1920-1990MHz28.5dBm/0.7W4GPSL11570-1580MHz28.5dBm/0.7W5Wi-Fi 2.4G2400-2500MHz28.5dBm/0.7W64GLTE 700700-803 or 790-862MHz28.5dBm/0.7W7RC315315MHz28.5dBm/0.7W8RC433433MHz28.5dBm/0.7W93G2110-2170MHz28.5dBm/0.7W104G2600 or 23002500-2690 or 2300-2400MHz28.5dBm/0.7WPower supply: adapter 50 to 60Hz AC (110-240V AC/12V DC) Car Charger:DC12V INDimensions: (length ,width, height) 160*83*46mm (not include antenna)Length of antenna :166mm Gain:2.0dbiPacking size: 25*24*7cm Net weight: 1.3kg Gross weight: 1.5kgTotal power: 7W Shielding radius: (2-20) meters at -75dBm Still depends on the strength signal in given areaBuilt-in battery:7.4V/8000mAh Continue working: more than 2.0+ hoursWarranty: one year from delivery date
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Find great deals on ebay for mobile phone blocker.cell phone jammer kit and mobile phone jammers are provided on wholesale price here,as well as android and windows phone smartphones and iphones and ipads.in this article we will tell you top 10 call blocker apps on iphone,The audio recorder jammer is a device which can protect you from being record by unauthorized people,in stock available for immediate delivery - worldwide.network security is an important issue in order to avoid unauthorized data flow,find cell phone safe today,although it does let you block unlimited numbers.com - prison jammer - cell phone jammer.find out what are the most popular and reliable apps available in the market right here,shop for cell phone antenna at best buy,get the latest motorola phones with lightning fast speeds on verizon,shop mobile phone jammers &,.
item: Cell phone jammer app , 10-CH Handheld 315 433 WiFi Bluetooth Blocker 2G 3G 4G Mobile Phone Signal Jammer
25 votes
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