What information will the tracker send if I'll turn the GJ6 on?
![]() Hi there Mathew!
That’s quite a question. First of all we should mention that GJ6 blocks GPS, all its three channels. So, when your GJ6 jamming device is working you won’t be tracked with GPS system. The problem here is in that, that the device you’ve linked to also uses GPRS Internet connection, that is based on the 2G.
So, when you will turn the GJ6 signal blocker on, your tracker will send the notification about loosing satellite connection to the server, so you will disappear from the radar. But there are also some bad news. You can still be located thanks to the 2G connection of the tracker. In a matter of fact it will probably use cell tower triangulation technique to locate your truck. The results will be less accurate, that technique makes it possible to determine the location up to 100-50 meters, or 330-150 feet. But you’ll be still visible.
When you will turn the GJ6 on the device will reestablish its connection with GPS satellites and the data on your exact location to the servers. In that case Jammer-Store may recommend you to use another option. To be sure that your location will be a secret you should use the universal GSM/GPS jamming device. It will block both GPRS Internet connection and GPS navigation. That anti-tracking jammer will surely do the trick.
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item: Cell phone jammer Yarraville - What information will the tracker send if I'll turn the GJ6 on?
28 votes
![]() 2019/07/02 |
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Albatross is a pocket gsm jammer that may be used against gsm.it inspired me to make something like that by myself,.
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Use our signal detectors to find hidden cameras,find great deals on ebay for cell phone jammer in retail security and surveillance equipment,tired of your friends being on the phone all day..
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