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High power portable signal jammer for cell phone - China Wireless Pocket Phone Signal Jammer/Blocker for 2g+3G+WiFi+4G - China Wireless Jammer, Portable Jammer Blocker

China Wireless Pocket Phone Signal Jammer/Blocker for 2g+3G+WiFi+4G - China Wireless Jammer, Portable Jammer Blocker
China Wireless Pocket Phone Signal Jammer/Blocker for 2g+3G+WiFi+4G - China Wireless Jammer, Portable Jammer Blocker
Basic Info Model NO.: CPJ-2050 Antenna Type: Omini-Directional Weight: 0.65kg 2ggsm850MHz: 851-894MHz 2gdcs1800MHz: 1805-1880MHz 3G2100MHz: 2110-2170MHz 4glte2600MHz: 2620-2690MHz WiFi2.4G: 2400-2483MHz Trademark: Necom-telecom Transport Package: Ployfoam and Carton Specification: CE, RoHS, SGS, GMP Origin: Shenzhen, China HS Code: 8543892090 Product Description Wireless Pocket Phone Signal Jammer/Blocker for 2g+3G+WiFi+4GPlease contact with us at:Mr.JerryMobile:+86-13603042894 Powerful handheld Cell phone Jammers with Palm Sized and portable design with cooling fan inside system. Five different channels with different frequency range, it can block all kinds of frequency which you need, such as lojack, 3G, GPS, and WIFI. Multiple bands can adjust the button OFF/ON without any influencing for other frequency operation. Various options for charging, you can charge by AC adapter at home or charging by car charger. Life long battery can use for a long time. We are famous for its good after service with one year warranty. 5 Antenna Big Portable Cell Jammer,Portable GPS Jammer,Portable Wifi Jammer Specifications:RF Power Output:2.5-3 Watt/ 27dBm;Blocking Radius Range: 2-20m@according the signal density mobile network;Jammer type: Sweep Jamming;Antenna Type:Omini-Directional;Power Supply: Rechargeable Li-Lon Battery /AC adapter (50 to 60Hz/100 to 240V AC -DC12V) and 12V car charger Plug;Rechargeable Li-Lon Battery:4000mA/H;Battery working time one charge : 2-3Hours;Electric Filed (SAR): Compatible with ICNIRP Standards (Human safe);Operating Temp:-20 to +50ºC;Storage Temp:-40 to +60ºC;Dimension(LXWXH): 126 x 76 x 35mm and not include antennas;Inner box dimension:220x202x65mm;Weight:0.65kg; Item#:CPJ-205001 mobile+3G+GPSL1+LojackBand 1:CDMA&GSM:850-894/925-960MHz; Band 2:DCS&PCS:1805-1990MHz;Band 3:3G2100MHz:2110-2170MHz;Band 4:GPSL1:1570-1580MHz;Band 5:Lojack:160-175MHz; Item#:CPJ205002 2G+3G+Wifi+LojackBand 1:CDMA&GSM:850-894/925-960MHz;Band 2:DCS&PCS:1805-1990MHz;Band 3:3G2100MHz:2110-2170MHz;Band 4:Wi-Fi: 2.4G:2400MHz-2483MHz;Band 5:Lojack:160-175MHz; Item#:CPJ-205003 2G+3G+Wifi+4GBand 1:CDMA&GSM:850-894/925-960MHz ;Band 2:DCS&PCS:1805-1990MHz;Band 3:3G2100MHz:2110-2170MHz;Band 4:Wi-Fi: 2.4G:2400MHz-2483MHz;Band 5:4Glte700MHz&4GWimax:2345-2500MHz or 4Glte:2620-2690MHz;  Item#:CPJ-205004 2G+3G+4G+LojackBand 1:CDMA&GSM:850-894/925-960MHz;Band 2:DCS&PCS:1805-1990MHz;Band 3:3G2100MHz:2110-2170MHz;Band 4:4Glte700MHz&4GWimax:2345-2500MHz or 4Glte:2620-2690MHz;Band 5:Lojack:160-175MHz;  Item#:CPJ-205005 2G+3G+4G+GPSL1Band 1:CDMA&GSM:850-894/925-960MHz;Band 2:DCS&PCS:1805-1990MHz;Band 3:3G2100MHz:2110-2170MHz;Band 4:4Glte700MHz&4GWimax:2345-2500MHz or 4Glte:2620-2690MHz;Band 5:GPSL1:1570-1580MHz;     Item#:CPJ-205006 2G+3G+4GBand 1:CDMA&GSM:850-894/925-960MHz ;Band 2:DCS&PCS:1805-1990MHz;Band 3:3G2100MHz:2110-2170MHz;Band 4:4G LTE 700MHz:725-770MHz;Band 5:4GWimax:2345-2500MHz or 4Glte:2620-2690MHz;  Item#:CPJ-205007 2G+3G+4G+1.2GBand 1:CDMA&GSM:850-894/925-960MHz ;Band 2:DCS&PCS:1805-1990MHz;Band 3:3G2100MHz:2110-2170MHz;Band 4:4GWimax:2345-2500MHz(Wireless Camera 2.4G: 2400MHz-2483MHz;)Band 5:Wireless Camera 1.2G:1100MHz-1200MHz; Welcome to Necom-telecom, we are jammer manufacturer for 8 years, hope our products are workable for your market. Professional manufacture following products:1)Portable Cell Phone Jammer/Blocker;2)Bloqueador Portable/Jammer;3)GPS Jammer;4)Wifi Jammer/Camera Jammer;5)UHF&VHF Jammer;6)High Power Cell Phone Jammer/Blocker; 7)Cellphone booster/repeater;8)RF signal detector; 2G,3G,4G, GPS, WIFI, VHF, UHF, 315, 433 ,Lojack all the frequency can be customized as your request!

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item: High power portable signal jammer for cell phone - China Wireless Pocket Phone Signal Jammer/Blocker for 2g+3G+WiFi+4G - China Wireless Jammer, Portable Jammer Blocker 4.6 49 votes
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