What can I do about disabling Flying Buddy 2?
![]() Hi there James!
Flying Buddy 2 is not an ordinary remote controlled flying drone. Actually it is mind controlled drone! Yep, operator wears a headset that reads his brain waves and electromagnetic activity, analyses it and transforms into simple commands that may be understood by any PC or a tablet. That device is really a new word in drone controlling.
It may sound a little weird but the commands look like that: “think left hard” to take off or land, “think left” to rotate, “think right” and it will move forward and “push” it will gain altitude. But I can say that it probably works. You can also take pictures by blinking. That drone is controlled via Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. The headset sends commands to a laptop via Bluetooth and the laptop controls the drone with a Wi-Fi connection. That drone also streams video to a laptop to provide a better view and more accurate piloting.
You are right on thinking that Flying Buddy 2 may be used for stalking and video surveillance. But Jammer-Store Inc. is an expert in privacy protection and we have a possible solution! As I’ve already said that drone is controlled via Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, they use 2,4 GHz frequency and it can be easily jammed with our Flying Buddy 2 jammer. But to be honest, that device won’t be seen on the market in a couple of coming years. But some people might try to create their own prototypes, so be careful!
Thanks for your question, I hope I’ve managed to help!
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item: Cell phone jammer San Gabriel - What can I do about disabling Flying Buddy 2?
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![]() 2019/07/04 |
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![]() 2019-07-03 |
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