Is there a patch for a new Android .apk vulnerability?
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Recently discovered Android .apk vulnerability was recently discovered by Bluebox Labs it allows hackers to bypass the cryptographic signature of the application and to modify its code, without being detected by Android OS and the Play Market. You can read more about that Android .apk vulnerability at our personal security blog. In plain English that means that hacker may be able to make malicious app of any application currently installed on your device.
The bug allows to update the .apk file of the applications and it appeared that such a modifications do not ruin the signature of the application, so a modified application will work just as it did and Android OS security will not block it. Android OS was considered to be the safest mobile operating system, but that bug compromises it greatly.
Bluebox Labs have informed Google about the bug and they have already created a patch, that will be able to fix the problem, the patch was already delivered to OEM manufacturers, such as Samsung and others. Now it is up to them, how long will it take to deliver that update to their customers. The only thing we can do to avoid that bug right now is to watch our app’s permissions carefully, avoid third-party app vendors and use an antivirus. Also it is recommended to avoid public Wi-Fi networks and if you suspect that your phone is already infected - use a cell phone blocker or just tun it off and get it to specialists.
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item: Cell phone jammer Roberval , Is there a patch for a new Android .apk vulnerability?
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