What can you tell me about those StickNFind Bluetooth stickers?
![]() Hi there, Mike!
StickNFind Bluetooth sticker is a really handy device and it may be used for various purposes. Their main goal is to make sure that you won;t lose your keys, or socks or something small ever again. Also it would be a good idea to attach them to a remote control of your TV, because that’s the thing people lose really frequently. We at jammer-store.com have looked through that device and now we can tell you how it works.
As it comes from the name the sticker uses Bluetooth to communicate with your smartphone. You should pay attention to the fact that Bluetooth can be blocked by physical obstacles. That’s the main reason why those stickers have strictly limited working range and as developers have stated it is up to 100 feet. The next thing you should know is that your mobile phone relies on the sticker’s signal strength to calculate approximate distance to it. But the direction to a sticker can not be calculated, because to make it possible your smartphone should have a semi-directional Bluetooth antenna and there are no devices equipped with it. So looking for a sticker becomes a hot/cold game, you will have to look for the best reception, because the better the reception is – the closer the sticker.
We should also warn you about the fact that your smartphone can be hacked if you will frequently use its Bluetooth connection. You may read more about Bluetooth hacking here. We recommend you to always turn the Bluetooth module off, when you don’t really need it. For additional protection you may try a Bluetooth jamming device, to make sure that your mobile device is totally safe.
Thank you for your question, I hope I’ve managed to help.
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Even the bluetooth communication will be cut off when wlj100 take action,find android tablet gps today.the jammer is about 8 meters away,consider our list of the top ten best gps tracking devices for cars,it creates a signal which jams the microphones of recording devices so that it is impossible to make recordings..
item: Cell phone jammer Prince Edward County | What can you tell me about those StickNFind Bluetooth stickers?
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