Does the bug that lets evildoers to listen to what’s going on near it through the cell phone really exist?
![]() Hi Kate!
As far as I can see you’re talking about a GSM-bug. You can insert a SIM-card in it and hide it somewhere. And the bug will really call you when its microphone will sense any noise near it. Also you can call it yourself and you’ll hear everything that is near the bug.
The bug you were asking about is powered with Li-Ion battery, has a sensitive microphone and a GSM module on board. It’s a really powerful spying tool. Some of those bugs can inform you even of their location via text messages.
Those bugs use GSM 850/1900 standard to transmit whatever they hear. In other words it uses the same frequencies that mobile phone does, so its communications can be totally jammed! The only thing you’ll need to make sure that no one is listening to your private life is to use our special GSM-bug Jammer.
And if you would like to locate and destroy that annoying GSM-bug I recommend you to use an ultimate Bug Detector.
Thanks for your question, I hope that helped!
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item: Cell phone jammer Chambers Flat | Does the bug that lets evildoers to listen to what’s going on near it through the cell phone really exist?
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15+ years of industry experience makes us the specialists you can trust,a home security system will usually be enabled and disabled with an easy-to,.
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